Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Any Surface..

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King Dog | Black Berry casing

Electric Guitar

Custom HEADSET for NOKIA MUSIC EXPRESS mobile phone lounch. | PAY x TUTU

Skate Deck Custom Exhibition @BANDUNG

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Canvas | Fine Art | Exhibitions

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[r]evolusi 300cc Exhibition @Musium BANK MANDIRI Jakarta
"MetroMorphosis" |

Live Perform | FGD Expo 2008 JJC Jakarta

INDO JAPAN EXPO Exhibition @PRJ Jakarta

Exhibition @TOIMOI gallery KEMANG JAKSEL

finalis BLACK URBAN ART competitions
Exhibition @TOIMOI gallery KEMANG JAKSEL

CANVAS 80x60cm | XAIT MIAOW x PAY | BLACK URBAN ART exhibitions

CANVAS | 45x65cm

Demo for Event

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Live Perform || [r]evolusi 300cc Exhibition || Musium BANK Mandiri Jakarta

Live Perform @Automotive Contest Jakarta

Body Painting

Body Painting for Event, Art Photography, Etc.

T-Shirt & Other Clothing

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Friday, February 17, 2006

About Me

Lihat Pay Air Grafix di peta yang lebih besar


Adalah rumah seni/workshop khusus seni Airbrush, Special Painting Effect, Modifikasi dan banyak lainnya, berdiri sekitar tahun. 1996 & sampai saat ini telah menghasilkan ratusan karya dengan beragam media: Otomotif, Helm, T-shirt, Kanvas, tembok/mural dll.
Mengerjakan berbagai kebutuhan airbrush di atas segala dasar untuk Perorangan maupun Perusahaan.

Dapat bekerja sama dengan bengkel-bengkel modifikasi (otomotif) yang membutuhkan jasa seniman airbrush, Event Organizer untuk demo gambar/bodypainting airbrush atau perusahaan yg membutuhkan sentuhan seni airbrush di produk-produknya.

Membuat & mengerjakan seni airbrush dengan desain dari kami, atau desain yg telah dibuat sendiri.

Harga relatif, tergantung luas media & faktor kesulitan desain.

Yang dapat kami kerjakan antara lain :


Automotive | Helmet | T-Shirt | Jeans | Jacket | Leather | Shoes | Electronic | Furniture | Wood | Billboard | Mural-Wall | Canvas | Paper | Glass | Toys, RC, Kiddy Ride | Nail
any Surface…

Ilustration | Realist | Grafis | Carricature | Potrait

Marble Effect | Pearl | Hair Effect | Water Effect | Glitter | Cyrallic | Candy Tone | Multi Tone/Bunglon | Glow In The Dark
tobe continued.....

Body Painting | Nail Art | Canvas | Helmet | Wall

Workshop :
Jln. Raya Jatiwaringin , Setia II No.66 - Pondok Gede - Jakarta Timur

- cat airbrush, airbrush indonesia - airbrush jakarta timur - airbrush bekasi - airbrush realis realist, lukisan photo poto cat airbrush - modifikasi airbrush - kursus belajar sekolah airbrush - airbrush di atas segala macam - macam dasar - kaos airbrush - motor mobil airbrush - aeromodelling pesawat canopy helycopter RC airbrush - hobby airbrush - airsoft gun airbrush - RC, toys, action figure, patung airbrush - kayu furniture airbrush - sepeda airbrush - sepatu airbrush -baju airbrush - langit-langit, dome, dinding tembok mural graffiti airbrush - bodypainting cat badan airbrush - demo, show, event, pameran, lounching product - lapangan basket airbrush - topi airbrush hip hop airbrush - kaca airbrush - elektronik, audio mobil automotif system airbrush - pesawat, perahu, kapal pesiar airbrush

Contact :
(021)9199.7833 - mobile 0815.1453.1579 (Pay)

E mail : pay_airgrafix@yahoo.com

Terima kasih,